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Match 473: Kenny Star Vs. Max Ryder – Oil match


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Kenny Star, a super sexy athletic southern boy. Max Ryder, a midwestern muscle boy power lifter. Put those two together on the wrestling mat and cover them in oil, and what do you have? Rock hard sexy magic. This battle in the oil is good, no one seems to be able to get the upper hand, because of the oil I think. Lots of sexy slipping around and on each other, good attempts at holds. I love all the scissor holds that both guys used, such strong legs both muscle boys have. Treat yourself to some real good eye candy and download and watch.  – Michael “BodySlam”

Match 469: Victor Vs. Billy Gunn


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Billy loves beat up smaller guys and have fun with their body’s as he is a pig farmer and treats his victims as his pigs, pig play. Victor was the cute boy next door that would shovel your snow for you for free. A nice kid. Now Victor is no push over, he was a state wrestler, one of the best. And still is! So, as Billy came after him and did some strange stuff to young Victor. Victor wouldn’t stand for it and used his school moves on Billy. Did he know enough to beat Billy Gunn? Or did Billy kick his as and Hog tie him up and do more “stuff” to him? For two weeks only $5 bucks to find out how it ends! – Michael “BodySlam”